Red Kangaroo Flyer copy 2-1.png

Zoo Flyer

Assignment: Design a Zoo Flyer for a 6-12 year old demographic

Restrictions: 2 Colors, must have 1 illustration of animal, must have something on the back of flyer.

Dimensions: 8.5 x 11

This zoo flyer functions as a learning tool for people visiting the Houston Zoo. In order to communicate successfully to this audience, there were a few guidelines in place so that this project would successfully deliver information. Having a clear and easy to read font face was important in aiding the younger side of the demographic so a thin, sans-serif font was an easy choice. There are also simple illustrations to help identify the animal easier. The use of the spike bubble was to break up the otherwise uniform left alignment and let the eye organically move from the top to the bottom of the page.

As for color, with the restriction of only using two I had to get creative with the layering of those colors with varying opacities.

Mallory Rice Zoo Flyer-2.png

On the back is an activity sheet. This activity promotes learning because all of the answers can be found on the front of the sheet. Writing down information helps retain it. The same color scheme was also continued onto the back along with the kangaroo tracks in the back in order to give the page dimension.

Red Kangaroo Flyer redoai-1.png

Zoo Flyer Re-do

When revisiting this assignment there were no restrictions on color so in order to brighten the piece up I incorporated blue as the background color so that it represented a sky. The soft ombre leads the viewers eye to the skyline where the kangaroo is present. I also de-cluttered the front page so that the information is easier to read and observe.

Red Kangaroo Flyer redoai-2.png

On the back I continued to use that blue in order to give to it color that was missing in the original. The information is the same except for the spike bubble with the fact in it. I felt that space needed something to fill it and the fact in the bubble is an answer in the crossword.